meta description tags is one of the most important part of on-page
SEO. which is actually located in the header of a website. however, it isn't invisible to the visitor of the website as it is that tags have only one propose, its to include information about the page. which is displayed on the search result as a fragment and as a description when sharing on Facebook, Google+ and other social networking sites.
Blogger has a good feature available that can help us to add meta description for the blog homepage as well as for the post pages. here is a little guide to easily add a meta description tags.
Also see: How to Add Caption to images in Blogspot blog
How to Add Meta Description to Blogger?
First of all login with and from the dashboard navigate to
Settings >
Search preferences >
Meta Tags >
Description and click on Edit.
Then check the box "
Yes" to enable search description. Finally, click the "
Save Changes" button.
Adding Meta Description To individual Posts
Now it is about to add meta description to the individual posts. Just edit any post and look for the Search Description setting, and there we enter the text and save by clicking the Done button.
That's it. Now wait for few days and then the meta description will be updated on search results.If none of the meta descriptions appear (rarely fails), we can do the process manually, but it requires us to touch a bit of code. In this case, go to
Template >
Edit HTML and insert before
the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
Of course, we will use again the previously mentioned tool to ensure that the description is placed correctly and if all goes well, our blog would be ready to face a good SEO.